Our Marine Breeding Systems components are put to use when conventional equipment is no longer suitable.
There are many traditional devices for aquaristik, fish and coral breeding to be found in the market place. But certain experiment regulations or enhancement impulses often require solutions, that are not realisable, or only with considerable detours with these conventional devices. Herein lies our strength, together with you we can, considering your conception or your product specifications, discuss the technical implementation, fall back on existing components, or change these according to your requirements or promptly implement new modules and produce these as custom-made items or a small batch series.
Marine Breeding Systems GmbH was founded in the year 2016 to offer you our long-term research and development of system solutions. A network of hardware and software engineers, factory constructors, synthetic materials experts, metalworkers, biologists, zookeepers and IT specialists support us as necessary, to ensure a rapid implementation.